Decorate you wall with a Ceramic Plate with with designs in Minoan technique .The art of the Minoan civilization of Bronze Age Crete (2000-1300 BCE)...
Decorate your wall with an Ancient Greek ceramic plate,copy from fresco.It dipicted 2 boxers.The Akrotiri Boxer Fresco, discovered in 1967, is one of the Wall...
Decorate your wall with an Ancient Greek ceramic plate, copy from a wall fresco from Santorini. The Fisherman Fresco from Akrotiri on the Aegean island...
Buy a greek Amphora from Ancient Greek Geometric Period. Amphora is an Ancient greek vases used for storing wine and olive.This Amphora painted and decorated...
Buy a greek Amphora from Ancient Greek Geometric Period. Amphora is an Ancient greek vase used for storing wine and olive. Geometric pottery, emerging...
Enhance your decor with Greek Amphora seated with 3 handles ,decorated with naturalistic designs (such as fish, squid, birds and lilies).We talk about Minoan art...
Enhance your decor with an Ancient Greek Krater,Minoan art painted . A Greek krater is a ceramic vessel used in ancient Greece, primarily for mixing...